How To Get An Addict To Rehab

Taking Control Again
Getting the person's life back under control is the goal of most drug and alcohol rehab programs. While most would agree that being in control of one's life is vital to succeed, many addicts don't want to admit they've lost control.
People take drugs for many reasons. Strangely, one reason some users take drugs is for a sense or feeling of power or control they are falsely given by the drugs or alcohol.
How Addiction is Failure to Control
You might be surprised at how many times an addicted person has tried to control their drug use. The addict is continuing and re-starting their drug use over and over again. They have several or hundreds of reasons why they continue using drugs.
 The big reason they are going back to drugs is that drugs provide a temporary buffer against the pressures of real life
 The drug abuser freely chose to do drugs to escape life at one time
 Life's realities are awaiting the user every time they even temporarily stop using drugs
 These realities can scare an addict back to drug use and right out of the most serious commitment to a sober and clean life
Addicts Want Better Control
Control is an ability to begin, change or stop some action. Control is accomplished by taking some action from start to conclusion or moving an idea to fulfillment no matter the difficulties.
How to Talk to an Addict and get them to Arrive in Rehab
 Ignore the addict's justifications for continuing to use drugs or alcohol
 Verbally acknowledge their communication, but stay on target and on topic: what are they really trying to control?
 Often a person will go to tears when they tell you of a problem real to them. It may seem trivial. Acknowledge their efforts. Tell them they need help
 Keep on track. Get them to the detox and rehab program that will rehabilitate them. Only Rehab will get that problem handled for life
The drug addicted person or alcoholic needs you more than you may realize. They need you to take charge of their lives and actually get them to that detox and rehab center.

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