Whenever you buy something with a monthly payment, the people who you collect your bill report this information to create a credit report. Examples include buying furniture on credit or using a Best Buy store card to purchase a computer. Exceptions include utility bills, cell phone bills, and rent payments. Collection accounts, court judgments where you owe money, and bankruptcies are also part of your credit.
Who Collects My Information?
There are only three companies in the U.S. that collect all your credit information. They receive this data from all of your creditors, like the credit card company or your auto loan company. The companies are Equifax, Transunion, and Experian, also known as credit reporting agencies or credit bureaus. They compile all the information they receive and create a credit report on you.
What is a Credit Report?
A credit report is a document that shows all the information collected by the credit bureaus. A “tri-merge” or “merged” credit report contains the information from all three credit bureaus in one report. This report lists all your past credit accounts that have been reported to the credit bureaus. The report lets you know how much money you owe to creditors, what your available balance is, and your complete payment history, including any late payments. The credit report can also list your current and former addresses and even employers. Additionally, the credit report will also give you a number that each credit bureau assigns to you, called a credit score.
What is a Credit Score?
A credit score is a number from 300 on the low end to 850 on the high end. Each of the three credit bureaus will evaluate your credit to determine your score, and each bureau will give you a score. The higher the number, the better the credit history. But, exactly how do they assess what’s on your credit report to give you a number?
What Makes Up My Credit Score?
There are five parts to your credit score (also known as FICO score). Points are awarded for each of these five parts, and a high score is most favorable. The factors are listed below in order of importance
Who Collects My Information?
There are only three companies in the U.S. that collect all your credit information. They receive this data from all of your creditors, like the credit card company or your auto loan company. The companies are Equifax, Transunion, and Experian, also known as credit reporting agencies or credit bureaus. They compile all the information they receive and create a credit report on you.
What is a Credit Report?
A credit report is a document that shows all the information collected by the credit bureaus. A “tri-merge” or “merged” credit report contains the information from all three credit bureaus in one report. This report lists all your past credit accounts that have been reported to the credit bureaus. The report lets you know how much money you owe to creditors, what your available balance is, and your complete payment history, including any late payments. The credit report can also list your current and former addresses and even employers. Additionally, the credit report will also give you a number that each credit bureau assigns to you, called a credit score.
What is a Credit Score?
A credit score is a number from 300 on the low end to 850 on the high end. Each of the three credit bureaus will evaluate your credit to determine your score, and each bureau will give you a score. The higher the number, the better the credit history. But, exactly how do they assess what’s on your credit report to give you a number?
What Makes Up My Credit Score?
There are five parts to your credit score (also known as FICO score). Points are awarded for each of these five parts, and a high score is most favorable. The factors are listed below in order of importance
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